Padėkite mums informuoti milijonus vartotojų visame pasaulyje apie tai, ką jie valgo

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Prašome paaukokite mūsų 2024 m. lėšų rinkimo akcijai

Jūsų aukos finansuoja kasdienę mūsų ne pelno asociacijos veiklą:

  • išlaiko mūsų duomenų bazę atvirą ir prieinamą visiems,
    • techninę infrastruktūrą (svetainę / mobiliąją programėlę) ir nedidelę nuolatinę komandą
  • padeda išlikti nepriklausomais nuo maisto pramonės,

  • suburti atsidavusių piliečių bendruomenę,

  • paremti visuomenės sveikatos tyrimų pažangą.

Kiekviena auka svarbi! Dėkojame už jūsų paramą didinant maisto skaidrumą pasaulyje.

Choose products that are good for you and the planet

The world's largest open food database at your fingertips!

Available on Google Play Available on the App Store
A scale with a Nutri-Score and a smiley face on the left side of the scale and an Eco Score and planet Earth on the right side

Not on your mobile? Scan this QR code from your mobile to download the app!

QR-Code linking to
Open Food Facts mobile app

A scan that truly matches who you are

From reducing your salt intake to going full vegan, it's easy to set your own personal preferences in the app and start getting smarter recommendations for food.

Best of all, the app always warns you if you're about to eat something containing an allergen.

Scan the food from your everyday life to get the full picture

Open the Open Food Facts app and point the camera to your favorite food's barcode!

A barcode being scanned
A magnifier over a cereal box and a Nutri-Score logo

Take your health to the next level

Decipher various labels, learn about nutritional information and compute instantly the Nutri-Score of your product: a nutritional label which converts the nutritional value of food and beverages into an overall score. It is child's play!

The information will always be displayed according to your preferences.

Read more about the Nutri-Score

Nuskaitykite beveik bet kokį maisto produktą, kad pamatytumėte jo poveikį planetai

Learn about the environmental impact of over 600 thousands food products with the Eco-Score.

Browse the knowledge panels to get information like the equivalent carbon footprint, the origin of ingredients, the possible threat of species during the manufacturing process.

Read more about the Eco-Score
A magnifier over a pizza and planet Earth
Join the food revolution

Along with more than 170,000 contributors worldwide!

“I love this app!! I use it almost everyday. It’s helping me a lot finding the right product for me!”


Rating on Google Play Store and Apple Store
A puzzle with a hand